Thursday, November 19, 2009

Podcast #7! (11-19-09)

Hey everyone! This installment of Spice Up Your Thursdays! has been brought to you by the letter P! Get it? P is for podcast? Haha....okay no, this isn't Sesame Street and I am not 12 years old.

You can expect a more spastic/random mix of songs this time because honestly I ran out of ideas for good podcasts. So if you enjoy listening to me ramble about songs you've probably never heard before this is for you!

*Also we have our first ever special request from our good friend Chris*
Hi Chris!

*Also also: Next week is Thanksgiving and being a holiday, I will not be able to do podcast #8 until the next Thursday proceeding that week.

Enjoy (maybe)!


1 comment:

  1. November 19th, 2009

    Shpongle / Star Shpongled Banner
    Danii Minogue / Put The Needle On It (Cicada Vocal Edit)
    Loopus In Fabula / YSD
    Fuzita Blender / Holiday plug-in
    Deerhunter / Agoraphobia
    Wamdue Project / King Of My Castle
    Armand Van Helden / The Funk Phenomena 96'
    **Pheonix / 1901**
    The Archies / Sugar Sugar
