Thursday, October 29, 2009

Podcast #4! (10-29-09)

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay!

It turned out that I didn't attend the Watchung Hills Bonfire, due to a last-minute US History project...

However, I'm back and ready to kick out the jams once again.

This time, Spice Up Your Thursdays is bigger, badder and LONGER clocking in just over an hour.


Happy Halloween guys, don't let the zombies devour your brains while your out!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Podcast #3! (10-15-09)

Hurray! We're already on the third installment of Spice Up Your Thursdays!

This time around you can expect the following: minimal techno, dubstep, 8bit, and many more exciting and new genres to explore.

Also: From this version on, the podcasts will be encoded in 192 kbps instead of the previous high-quality 320 kbps. Due to bandwidth restraints I cannot host large files anymore over 100MB, thus I've condensed them into smaller 65MB bite-sized packages.

Also also: Once again I will not be able to do a podcast for 10/22/09, I will be attending the Watchung Hills Bondfire (WHRHS, Warren NJ). Some bands will play there, indie hipster kids will go wild. I'm excited and apathetic at the same time...



Thursday, October 8, 2009

Podcast #2! (10/8/09)

Welcome to another wonderful installment of Spice Up Your Thursdays!

Are you feeling down?
Did your boss just fire you for no apparent reason?
Do you find yourself watching Happy Days reruns instead of watching A Clockwork Orange?
Do you find yourself asking why the hell you're on this blog in the first place?

If all of the above apply to your dull life, this podcast is for you!

Psytrance! Show Tunes! Techno!


A review of Microflim's "Blips Don't Lie" EP, out now on i-Tunes, Amazon and other digital distributers.

Check 'em out, they're rad.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Podcast #1! (10/1/09)

Hey everyone out there in Internetland, this is DJ Scratchin'! I'd like to introduce to you, the first ever Spice Up Your Thursdays! podcast.

Are your Thursdays boring and uneventful?
Do you yearn for something creative and productive to do?
Do you find yourself playing internet Mahjong instead of listening to totally awesome undiscovered talent on the radio?
Do you find yourself listening to Lady Gaga and Kanye West and Taylor Swift instead of psychedelic trance?

Well fret not! Spice Up Your Thursdays! has the solution in a simple easy to consume weekly podcast.

What you can expect in the first edition:

Psytrance, breakcore, mashups and more!